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Like most sane ? people I too have hobbies, I like to follow Liverpool football club, have done since 1963, some people say why not Newcastle, well they are my home town. I'm also interested in hill walking, I first started at the age of 14 travelling to the Lake District in Cumbria with a group from my local church St Andrews, in charge was the vicar Sammuel Robert Burrows (Sammy) as we used to call him. Sammy had a great sense of humour, I personally thought he was quite mad, he used to say your not here to enjoy yourselves, especially when soaked to the skin on some mountain / fell. But this had a big impact on my life, since 1966 I have been back to the Lakes many times, I'd been bitten by the bug, literally. I even took my daughters there a couple of times and they loved it too, going to Beatrix Potters house at Hill Top Farm, the museum in Windermere, also Grasmere, Coniston, Hawkshead, Dewentwater, Buttermere, Borrowdale, Ambleside, Langdale, Keswick and other places too. I even got the girls to come walking on Dartmoor (fine weather only) over the Tors (Haytor & Hound Tor) they were amazed that there were wild ponies wandering over the moors.
I've always been a great believer in taking loads of photographs, even I forget how much fun we had, memory starts to go now and then. I spent 3 - 4 months scanning every photograph I had onto my personal computer, then using Adobe Photoshop to improve the quality, as photo's do tend to fade over a period of time. I have recently backed up all photographs to DVD and sent copies to all family members including the older generations. This is another of my hobbies (Geneology), tracing past family relatives which I find time consuming but fun to do, going regularly (When I can!!) to family / local history open days. I then make slideshows from the photo's and just recently video's, from which I then select the best parts, this took some doing transferring all my old VHS video cassettes onto DVD, my children & grandchildren have a good old laugh at how they were and some of the antics we all got up too. I still have to pester my daughters for any up to date photo's. Think I've put the best short video clips on my Facebook profile, but only available to Friends / Friends of Friends.
Geordie Wiggins (No Chance) This website is another hobby I have been planning to do for some time, using Adobe Dreamweaver a top web design program, it's really for the professionals, but why not, so I've been slowly but surely getting to grips teaching myself how to design, plan, integrate graphics, define page links, validate and publish to server, sometimes through trial and error, mostly error. Trying to remember everything I did in the past, especially serving in the Army with all friends I've made, a few enemies too!!, It's amazing what you can remember when writing this all down, but also having to censor what I write too, as I'm so un politically correct, but who gives a dam, go ahead and sue me, they'd be wasting their time, as everything I've written is true so not Slanderous or Libel.
I take an interest in both local and national politics, I hate all that new labour stands for, and the festering corrupt organisation known as the EU, I'm an English nationalist but with NO affiliation to any right wing political groups. Maybe we need a new Duke of Cumberland or Maggie Thatcher to take back our country from these incompetent politicians in Whitehall and give the EU the red card, I regularly visit websites that are more informative than the Biased Brown Corporation, see below if you want the truth:
I also like to communicate, swap photo's and chat online with other ex forces members, hopefully finding old friends catching up on all the latest gossip... never surely lol.
Britains Small Wars - since 1945 - Click Here
RAOC Association Check here for the RAOC Shop / Museum / Archives
RAOC Online Site (This is a good site for all ex RAOC service personnel)
The Cyprus Occupation - Click Here
BAOR Military Locations - Unit names / Locations
Local History fascinates me too
More to follow..........Me thinks lol