Well this is me Johnny Boy, never been one for writing much, found I couldn't just sit down and scribble away writing a lot, would rather just talk and discuss my interests, likes, dislikes, and anything else that takes my fancy. I've always liked to travel not just locally but overseas too, I enjoy sports and keeping myself reasonably fit. I'm not one for being in cliques, not into that at all, sometimes though I like to do my own thing, go where and when I want to, never allowed myself to be pressurised by peers into doing something against my will or disagreed with like drugs etc. I do sometimes tend to be intolerant and suffer fools badly, especially those on soapboxes, it really does my head in.
Never been into hero worship, whether football players, film stars, pop singers or whatever, we're all equal or meant to be at least. I do however tend to stick to older values and principals and the rule of law, however I would like to see the restoration of the death penalty, proper discipline in schools without teachers being pilloried and under threat of litigation. Social workers (now there's a contradiction in terms) forced to see victims close up (in hospital/morgue), same applies to judges, magistrates (Lay/stipendiary), the abolition of the probation service (expensive/unnecessary drain on taxes). A large prison on the west Falklands would be ideal, no human rights for those who break the law, especially foreign religious terrorists, remember this by Ayaan Hirsi Ali "Tolerance of Intolerance is Cowardice"
Also my favorite quote by the late Oriana Fallaci:-
"Freedom cannot exist without discipline, self discipline, and rights cannot exist without duties. Those who do not observe their duties do not deserve their rights"
By George Orwell "If Liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear"
I would like to see the end of most QUANGO's as a matter of urgency, but with a new Independent Commission Against Corruption, Fraud and Waste, this to be headed by Elizabeth Filkin, Martin Bell and honest Investigative Journalists/retired Police Officers.
My Old Primary School - Lingey House |

School Photo aged 9
I was born in Newcastle upon Tyne, but lived in "The Felling" for 19 years, was into most things (legally!), all sorts of sports, raiding apples / pears from various orchards, never got caught though. I attended High Board School, Lingey House and finally Heworth Secondary, had some good / bad times growing up, but had a fairly strong personality, so overcame and moved on as they say.
I left school in 1968 and started as an apprentices cutter in a local tailor's (Myers & Sons) situated in Carlisle Square Newcastle upon Tyne, the pay was poor so stuck it for 6 months and moved closer to home at International Paints in Felling. It was better pay and I knew quite a lot of people from school who also worked there (I was a stock Control Clerk), sometimes worked weekends (Illegal) as I was under 18, but hey did I feel rich. This was a company where my parents and grandmother once worked, had it's own social club and sports facilities so life was pleasant. Then in 1971 when an american firm took over, some long serving employee's who'd been there for over 40 years were suddenly surplus to requirements, this is when it all went downhill. After 18 months I left for another job in Birtley, Thorne Heating, working in the progress department, I spent most of my time rushing around between stores, paint and spot welding sections, and it took 2 bus journey's just to get to work!. I would be getting up at 6 am, returning at 6 pm, hey this was not for me, this was no life. So after talking to my grandmother, I decided to join up, the Army had more to offer, and as I have mentioned before on this site I wanted to travel and see more of the world not stuck in some dreary dead end job like some of my mates. On the 14th December 1971 I finally signed the dotted line and swore the oath of allegiance at South Shields.
This one's just for a Laugh ??
Yes, I had just been dragged out of bed, playing as Goalie due to a Sprained Ankle
(St Andrews Church Choir Footy team 1964) Photo taken at Chester-le-Street County Durham

Heworth Grange Comprehensive Mid 1960's
Heworth Grange Comprehensive 1967
.jpg) |

To see how my army career went click the Military tab on the Menu Bar - Top of this page.
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